
Mg.sc.ing. Sintija Petrovica

PhD student, Scientific Assistant

Contact Sintija Petrovica:

Contact Information


Meza Street 1/4, Room 553

Mondays 15:00 – 17:00

Inženierzinātņu akadēmiskais maģistra grāds datorsistēmās, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, 2011.g.

Inženierzinātņu akadēmiskais bakalaura grāds datorvadībā un datorzinātnē, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, 2009.g.

Vidējā: vispārējā vidējā izglītība, Krimuldas vidusskola, 2006.g.


Latviešu: dzimtā

Krievu: brīvi

Angļu: brīvi

Work experience
2011 – pašreiz    RTU LDI, zinātniskais asistents
Scientific publications
1st IEEE Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE’13). November 26–27, 2013, Riga, Latvia. “Design of a Pedagogical Module for an Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring System”.

Second International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE 2013),  Polija, Lodz, 23.-25. septembris, 2013. “Adaptation of Tutoring to Students’ Emotions in Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring Systems”.

52nd RTU International Scientific Conference: Latvia, Riga, 13 October 2011. „Design and Implementation of Agent Interaction Mechanisms for Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, co-author Alla Anohina-Naumeca.

International Conference on e-Learning and the Knowledge Society (e-Learning’11): Romania, Bucharest, 26 August 2011. „Design of Interaction Mechanisms Among Agents in an Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring System”.

Teaching courses
Introduction to Study Field

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Research projects
“Ontology based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment”

“Future Education and Training in Computing: How to Support Learning at Anytime Anywhere – FETCH”

“Viedu daudzvalodu e-mācību materiālu veidošanas metožu un algoritmu izstrāde”

“eLearning for eGovernment”

Nr.510022-LLP-1-22010-1-UK-ERASMUS-ECUE „WBLQUAL – An Approach to Qualifications through Negotiated Work Based Learning for the EU”, 10.2010. – 09.2012., Lifelong Learning Programme, ERASMUS.

Best paper award for the paper “Design of Interaction Mechanisms Among Agents in an Emotionally Intelligent Tutoring System” presented at “International Conference on e-Learning and the Knowledge Society (e-Learning’11)” Romania, Bucharest, 26 August 2011.
